
5 Reasons to Celebrate Your Welshness

A Proud History Reminders of our proud history can be found all around Wales; from the ruined castles used to fight wars and protect our land, to the slate mining caverns that were the lifeblood of our towns and the imposing Mt Snowdon that still holds the love and...

2019 – The Year of Discovery

This Year… Discover North Wales! Well it’s another year, this year following The Year of Epic, The Year of Legends and the Year of the Sea – This year is all about the year of Discovery! This is perfect – as there is so much to explore in NORTH...


Christmas is Coming to the Black Boy Inn! The magical ancient castle town of Caernarfon comes to life with christmas magic in the winter time of year. If you’re visiting the area or even a local you’ll be wanting to know about all the festive goings on in town...